
i don't trust this SHIRKshirkSHIRK

it is a result of the following idiotic post that i've had this song in my head: shake shake shake, SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE, shake your booty, etc.

i meant to say, i don't trust this PRINCIPAL any further than i can throw him.

case one: a group of three ladies comes into the office, each hauling a small child and a stroller, each (presumably) with a student at our school. they explain what is going on (some kids were bothering their kids on the school bus y ya ni quiere ir a la es-C U E-la.

they ask to speak with busybody, which is busy taking underprivileged children to the dentist, and it is unknown when he will return. i tell them that the lady who deals with bus issues is off today. just as they are telling me they will wait for busybody, realboss walks through the office. i stop her realquick and ask if she might be able to help out. she says she's off to a meeting but will be back in about twenty minutes; maybe the newprincipal would be able to help them?

newprincipal soon makes his way through the front office. i give him the short version and ask if there is anything he could do? he tells me that since he's not familiar with the situation nor with how the buses go, we'd have to talk to ms. busslady.

ms busslady happens to be out today.

fortunately busybody gets back from the dentist (apparently one girl had twelve cavities!) and takes the ladies, strollers, et al into his office.

busybody comes back at some quiet point at the end of the day and tells me that newprincipal told him when the ladies with the strollers were in the office, he explained to them that... something, it's foggy in my mind now, but it is a different story than the one i remembered.

as i remembered, he spoke to me, not the ladies with strollers, and seemed to imply "it's not my problem." but according to busybody, newprincipal's story involved him talking to the ladies with the strollers.

i might have remembered incorrectly, but when busybody told me newprincipal's take on it, i immediately thought WAIT! THAT ISN'T WHAT HAPPENED. and i was left feeling like he had shriked them off and then lied about it to make him look like he had not.

case two: monday morning.

when children do bad things in class, the teacher fills out "office referral" forms and sends them to the office with the kids. a particular child arrived in the office with said referral at the end of the day, right before the reading of the afternoon announcements. procedure calls for the child with the referral to be seen first by my realboss, then by busybody, then by socialworker, if neither is available. because realboss was about to read the announcements, i stopped into newprincipal's office and asked him if he would be the one that would need to deal with it.

he told me that either busybody or realboss would be the one to deal with it, not him; that apparently he was to be the last one to see the child if nobody is available.

am i wrong to feel the same feeling as i did in case one above? i realize though that the principal should see children first only in the most serious of circumstances. i dunno. i guess i'm split down the middle on this one.

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