
it works

they were talking about girls today.

a handful of female teachers and the teacher assistant whose androgyny confused me the first time i met her, were talking about girls today (oh yeah? i know one! ... is she cute?.

so my gaydar DOES work.

but because of either my suburbia upbringing, involvement with the cult, or having been made fun of my freshman year of high school for whatever reason it is mean girls pick on girls who just want to be "cool" being at work, i got a little uncomfortable and left the room to look for something i knew i needed but at the moment i didn't remember what it was.

you know how when you think of something you need, then you leave the room to get it only to forget what it was? this was the reverse - i knew i needed SOMETHING but i didn't think of what it was until i was back in the room - it was sugar for my tea, which i keep in my desk.

it was just an excuse to leave the room because i was uncomfortable. though i did need the sugar for my tea.

i don't know why i was uncomfortable. i think i was afraid of being wrongly ascribed to a particular camp. besides, a few weeks ago i decided that i just like to be checked out, regardless of who is looking at me. i don't remember if i mentioned that i thought the androgynous parent was checking me out.

but anyway, i was right. so i might very well be right about the new principal.

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