
suddenly i'm VERY OFFENDED!

it just gets under my skin WRITHING AND CRAWLING and i'm just so OFFENDED! what can i DO?

can you BELIEVE that the university of notre dame uses a LEPRECHAUN as their mascott?

it makes me SICK! I'M IRISH! i take GREAT OFFENSE at their using the 'FIGHTING IRISH' as their mascott!

won't someone do SOMETHING?

if you haven't yet caught my sarcasm, see this.

my argument is valid though, you think? i'm irish and i'm not a drunk little leprechaun running around waiting to fight everyone who crosses my path!


Liz Entwhistle said...

I, however, am a Wildcat. Rawr.

Anonymous said...

wait, you're gonna have to explain this one.

la flaquita said...

THE CHIEF! in my grandfather's words, those bed-wetting liberal pinko-commies got rid of the CHIEF!

Matt C said...

wait wait, ok I see where you're going with this. Fighting Irish. as in drunken fighting irish.