
talking points

1. notmyboss has not yet discovered how to use the feeder on the printer. i could take advantage of the fact that when she wants to print something specific she leaves her office to put that specific paper in the top drawer, then goes back and tells the printer to print it. I was going to suggest to her that she tell whatever she is printing to print to the manual feeder (that way it doesn't print until she puts the paper in) but then i realized the fun that could be had if she were NOT aware of this little phenomenon. so next time she comes to put paper in, i'm going to print something. and then run to the bathroom and snarkily laugh to myself.

2. boyfriend is great. he did half the laundry today. i felt bad b/c i wasn't planning on doing the other half until tomorrow (he said he would do his half tomorrow morning).

3. snarky is a great word. snark, snark, snark.

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