
too cool for

are we getting too cool for blogging?

see, before people in the mainstream started talking about "OH, the BLOGGERS..." we had to explain what one was.

now most people know what one is. well, i assume most people know. realboss knew when i told her i enjoyed writing (do you have a blog? really? how many people read it?)

is it just me? recently i've been less inclined to blog. maybe i can blame it on Winter or on Depression or Apathy or even Busyness... i suppose i will have to go back one or two (or three even?) years and look at my blogging habits then - do i tend to blog more or less in the winter months?

i would think more - with more darkness comes less desire to be outside of my house which means more time with either the computer or the tv, and since i don't watch too much tv, well, i'd probably have more time to blog in the winter.

but anyway.

or maybe i've just been out of ideas. maybe i've felt pressure to clean up my writing skills (i'm inclined to believe that the freer you allow yourself to be when blogging the worse your writing gets) so i've been trying to concentrate on one topic per post; maybe i just haven't had as many inspiring topics.

i used to write funny things that happened to me throughout the day - ever have that experience where you're writing something down and you're just giggling to yourself as the words come out? i LOVE when that happens. it hasn't happened for some time now.

do i no longer find myself funny, or are funny things no longer happening to me? or am i taking everything way more seriously than before?

has blogging become too popular? y'all know that i do not engage in many things that are wildly popular, unless of course, i engage in something right before it becomes wildly popular.

then again i'm surprised by how many people my age rely on myspace for their "social networking" - i only check it about once a week or two. myspace is something we're definitely too cool for - i refuse to use the myspace blog function - i think it's too ugly of a program, not as easy as blogger, and it has way too many cumbersome ads. blech.

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