
for the record

i think i understand the difference between an agnostic and an atheist.

the atheist disbelieves the existence of god. that is, he believes there is not a god. the agnostic ("the divine is unknowable") believes that there might be a god, but we can neither prove that he exists nor prove he does NOT exist.

agnosticism seems kind of wimpy. i remember i used to think of atheists as bitter people - like they'd given up on god so threw out the whole idea of his existence. but that's not atheism - that's turning one's back on a god one believes in. and i'm not bitter.

i think it's easier on the psyche to be atheist as well. one isn't waiting for someone "up there" to intercede on one's behalf. therefore one is forced to take matters into one's hand and accept things one cannot change and take full responsibility for one's actions. is that not a "family value?"

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