
is blogging dead?

no! it's just asleep for now. i'm considering starting/continuing my anonymous(ish) blog because i MUST have SOMEWHERE to unload all the secrets and gossip about my work environment. to this blog here i cut all social-network ties (despite how proud i am of all the hacks i've implemented) in response to a little bit in wired magazine about a canadian not being let into the US because some border patrol person googled him and found less than flattering info on him. is that not the most ridiculous terrifying thing? is that even LEGAL? i think in the same article it mentions another problem with a guy who had admitted in his blog to having smoked pot in 1960, getting into unwarranted trouble. yikes.

so i'm off to read the news. will have a special announcement, pending permission being bidden of my father, in a few days.

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