
new challenge

so i've taken on another post: local coordinator for a high school exchange program. which means i have to recruit host families and interview them and match students with them. it's kind of sales-ish-y but it should be fun.

the only problem i have with this program is this: they have a special group of kids who receive grants to study here - kids from primarily muslim countries. the person who places them has to make sure host families fulfill certain requirements, such as no pets or something like that. i agree with richard dawkins in his questioning of why religion is given such an out-of-bounds-for-compromise status; if a student is interested in getting to know the real US then he should accept whatever host family he's placed with. the family shouldn't have to conform to his culture, but the other way around. that's all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is very exciting! I remember you telling me a few years ago that you wanted to do this! Congrats!!